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Portal-inspired first person 3D puzzle-platformer


Gameplay Programmer, UI Programmer, Level Designer, Technical Artist




September 2021 - December 2021



Inspired by Portal, Beam is a puzzle-platformer led by Logan Bowers which equips the player with a set of beams which allow them to manipulate objects. The grab beam can pick up and move cubes from a fixed distance, and the swap beam swaps the position of the player and the targeted cube. There are also colored glasses which allow only certain types of beams, or none at all, to pass. 

Given the small size of the team, I had to be incredibly versatile with my contributions to Beam. As a gameplay programmer, I added doors and moving platforms to the game, each with a variety of tweakable behaviors. These interfaced with the game’s custom event system, implemented using Unity Events, which sent information between all types of interactable objects. 

As a technical artist, I created a hologram shader utilized on the main menu UI and as a kill floor in levels, in addition to the glass shader. I translated most of the game’s 11 levels from design to in-engine levels utilizing Unity Probuilder. 

Beam is available for download for Windows and Mac on the VGDev website.

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